Homily – 27th Sunday Ordinary Time Year (B)

There was a cartoon show that many of my generation grew up watching.  The animated series “Captain Planet” was co-created by media mogul and environmentalist, Ted Turner.  It is based on a superhero who comes into existence when the members of the group combine their powers.  Each member had a unique power of their own that they can control to defend and to benefit those around them, they come in the form of the earth’s elements: earth, fire, wind, water and heart.  This superhero defeats what is harmful to the environment symbolised by characters who are motivated to pursue profit and power over the environment.

While the show served as entertainment for us kids, a serious message was presented to growing minds.  As I reflect, I am grateful that many were already concerned about our common home even before the consideration of Climate Change and the Church’s teaching found in Laudato Si.

As the Season of Creation officially comes to an end for this year on 4 October, the Feast of St Francis of Assisi, I am reminded of the combined efforts needed to make a material change to our beautiful common home.  The earth plays an important role in the Story of Creation in the Book of Genesis.  The element is used to generate life, with the breath of God, human life comes into existence.

The spirit of God remains in each one of us to be creators and sustainers of life.  We are creators by bringing forth life into existence through the birth of children.  In other ways, we are creators also by planting, sowing, watering by our work for the community, and beyond that gives those in need a much better quality of life and a chance of life.

In the Story of Creation, every creature is under human authority.  Responsible authority makes our common home a home for all and for those to come.  The final element which strikes me most comes in the form of the heart.  It is a reminder that if we cherish our home, and have a deep love for humanity, the work for creation becomes naturally part of who we are and what we do.

By Fr Hoang Dinh



Published: 4 October 2024



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