Homily – 29th Sunday Ordinary Time (B)

The first community of Christians founded by Christ was certainly not perfect, far from it in fact.  Some words to describe the attitude of the first disciples are: power hungry, self-centred, jealous, resentful.

After seeing all the miracles Jesus had performed and after seeing his glory at the Transfiguration, James and John couldn’t resist the desire to be exalted to higher standings.  They wanted to be leaders amongst the wider community, even amongst the other apostles.  Their request, however, divided the community into two camps between the ambitious brothers and the indignant other ten.  Ill feelings towards other members, intended or unintended is not something new.

Our own experience of community tells us there is no perfect community.  We will always need to work on it, day in and day out.  The learnings from community life will prepare us well for the ones ahead.

Our time will come when we must lead in families, schools, parishes.  For some of us we will create.  In our future roles we may start new communities of learners, workers and volunteers.  As future leaders the issues of ambition and favouritism and jealousy need to be managed well.

But how?  What is the antidote?  What is the solution?  What is the remedy?  Well, I don’t have the answer.  The answer comes from the master builder of communities, himself Jesus.  Being able to recognise that there is division, he acts swiftly by “calling them together” and explains clearly what kind of leaders they should become.  They should follow in his example:

“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve”.

Service keeps communities together and is the model for our leadership.  Service is easier said than done therefore we need the accompaniment of reflection and prayer and so we pray for all our leaders, our communities and for ourselves that we may all be united in Christ.

By Fr Hoang Dinh



Published: 18 October 2024






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